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little woman 1.懂事的小女孩。2.〔美俚〕妻子。


It was , in fact , lucy stewart , a plain little woman , some forty years old , with a disproportionately long neck , a thin , drawn face , a heavy mouth , but withal of such brightness , such graciousness of manner , that she was really very charming 那個人果然是呂西斯圖華,她個兒不高,長相丑陋,約摸四十來歲,脖子很長,面孔瘦削,兩片厚嘴唇,但她性格活潑,態度和藹可親,倒給她增添了很大魅力。

But it wouldn t do to bother him . whenever any of his little women , as he called them - simonne or clarisse , for instance - wouldn t go the way he wanted her to he just up with his foot and caught her one in the rear 他絕不讓別人來惹他麻煩,只要他的小娘兒們棗他是這樣稱呼她們的棗有一個人,不管是西蒙娜還是克拉利瑟,行動稍有差錯,他就朝她們屁股上狠狠踢過去。

The inquiry ended in a final galop after which jupiter , breathless , streaming with perspiration and minus his crown , declared that the little women of earth were delicious and that the men were all to blame 這次下凡調查最后以加洛普舞曲結束,然后,朱庇特氣喘吁吁,汗流浹背,王冠也沒有戴,他宣布說,人間的小婦人們都是甜美可愛的,男人們都是有過錯的。

He was certainly not alone , for nana perceived the little woman from the bouffes with the untidy tow hair and the gimlet - hole eyes , standing enjoying herself in her shift among the furniture she had paid for 娜娜發現意大利劇院的那個矮個子女人在里面。她穿著睡衣,亞麻色的頭發蓬蓬松松,眼睛像用鉆孔器鉆出來的窟窿,笑吟吟地站在娜娜買的家具中間。

Nevertheless , la faloise had clapped clarisse besnus , one of bordenave s little women , who played iris in a soft blue dress with a great scarf of the seven colors of the rainbow looped round her waist 然而,拉法盧瓦茲為克拉利瑟貝尼鼓了一陣掌,她是博爾德納夫的一個情婦,在劇中扮演彩虹女神,她身著淺藍色衣服,腰上系著一條寬大的七色彩虹帶子。

A nice hole , where all the little women used to kiss laure on the lips ! and as the countess sabine , who had overheard a stray word or two , turned toward them , they started back , rubbing shoulders in excited merriment 這時,薩比娜伯爵夫人偶然聽見他們一句談話,便掉過頭來,他們馬上向后退了幾步,兩人互相推推撞撞,高興得漲紅了臉。

When abraham lincoln , the union ' s civil war president , first met the author , harriet beecher stowe , he greeted her with the words : “ so you ' re the little woman who wrote the book that made this great war . 由于作品深刻剖析了美國19世紀的黑奴問題而享譽世界文壇,這座小屋也因為是“湯姆叔叔”的舊宅而擁有了不同尋常的歷史價值。

Then they sneered and with sparkling eyes they compared notes about the table d hote in the rue des martyrs , where big laure piedefer ran a dinner at three francs a head for little women in difficulties 肥胖的洛爾彼爾德費爾讓那些手頭拮據的小娘兒們在那里就餐,每人只收三法郎。那可是個偏僻的地方!

She could hear lucy stewart laughing at the end of the next saloon , where she was treating a whole table of little women who had come from the public balls at montmartre and la chapelle 從隔壁餐廳里傳來了呂西斯圖華的爽朗笑聲,她請了整整一桌年輕姑娘來吃飯,她們都來自蒙馬特和圣堂舞會。

After several attempts at literature , miss alcott wrote “ little women , ” which was an immediate success , reaching a sale of 87 , 000 copies in three years 在文學方面幾經嘗試,奧爾科特小姐寫下了《小婦人》一書,立即獲得極大的成功,三年之內銷售了八萬七千冊。

Along this narrow alley little women were racing pell - mell , for they were delighted to escape from the men who were waiting for them in the other passage 沿著這條通道,小娘兒們亂哄哄地奔走,她們都很高興,因為這樣避開了在全景胡同正在等待她們的男人們。

O ne of my favourite hobbies is reading . . . you probably noticed that in the movie . so , i enjoy videos based on my favourite books like little women 我的愛好之一是閱讀,你可能在電影中已經注意到了。所以,我喜歡根據我愛讀的書改編的電影,比如《小婦人》 。

That same evening they went to the bouffes - parisiens theatre to see a little woman of fontan s acquaintance make her debut in a part of some ten lines 就在這天晚上,他們去意大利劇院觀看豐唐認識的一個小娘兒們初次登臺演出,這個角色的臺詞僅有十行。

Sitting up side by side , with the bedclothes pulled up in front and the pillows piled up behind , they supped and talked about the little woman 他們并肩坐著,被子蓋在肚子上,枕頭墊在背后,他們一邊吃夜點心,一邊議論那個小娘兒們。

He gazed warmly at the little woman who did not care a button for his highness , and she , on her part , laughed unblushingly 他打量著那個蔑視王子殿下的小娘兒們,可她仍放肆地笑呢。博爾德納夫只好請殿下跟他走。

“ you are clever enough to be the good little woman of our lives , here , my dear , “ he returned playfully “親愛的,你夠聰明的,你滿可以做個心地善良的小老太太,在這里照料我們。 ”他開玩笑似地笑道。

A mite of a little woman with blood thinned by californian zephyrs was hardly fair game for the red - fisted , short - breathed old duffer 但是他(它)重地打擊著瓊熙,瓊熙被打倒在床,幾乎不能動彈。

There we would wait , in trembling but not altogether unpleasant . she was a tiny little woman to inspire so much veneration 我們總是在那里哆哆嗦嗦但又不是完全不高興地等著斯蒂菲娜老姑出來。

On sunday afternoon john went off to play golf and the little woman hung some new curtains in the living room 星期天下午約翰外出去打高爾夫球,而他老婆卻在家中的客廳里掛新窗簾。